“Out of Zion shall go forth Teaching!”
(Isaiah 2:3)
Understand the Bible for the first time from its original, Hebraic perspective, straight out of Zion
From online Bible studies to live, on-site study discussions,
from Israel studies to Bible-themed tours of the Holy Land, we offer an
in-depth experience of the Bible, Israel, and the Holy City of Jerusalem.
Let’s study a little together: Where is King David really buried?
Why we offer services to Christian believers:
- To make unique, in person and online Bible studies, from an expert with over 40 years’ experience, accessible to everyone
- For the growing numbers drawn to reconnect with Jewish Biblical teachings as essential wellsprings of Christianity
- For the growing numbers drawn to the Holy Land to witness the prophets’ words coming alive before our very eyes

Our values and goals:
- Respect the desire of our Christian brethren to strengthen their relationships, as Christians, with God
- Facilitate understanding the Bible from its original, Hebraic perspective, straight out of Zion
- Engage everyone in a deepening understanding of the Hebrew Bible as it informs and inspires us
For more information and to book unique, customized Bible programs, tours, and studies, either in the Holy City, Jerusalem, or online, via live video conference, or live, in your own community (on Rabbi Eisen’s next lecture tour abroad), please click here to email us or call us: